Street Photography | Shoot From the Hip Technique

Video by Eric Kim | Click here to check out Eric Kim's Work

Hello all the lovable people out there! Today I'm going to share this technique called shoot from the hip. About this technique is that it's a really popular technique used by modern street photographers. I probably assume that this have done with DSLRs. I wouldn't even dare doing this with film cameras. Haha it's common sense and I shouldn't have mention it. But hey! since you're reading this I thought you might find this useful. To sum it up, “shooting from the hip” it is holding your camera at waist-level, and shooting upwards without looking through the viewfinder. One of the reasons why this technique is widely popular is because it allows you to take much more candid images of people, as they do not see you shooting them with your eye through your viewfinder, and assume you aren't taking images. Another thing is that when shooting from the hip, you often get a much more interesting perspective as you shoot from a much lower perspective.

Street Photography | The "U" Turn

© Safuan Shahril | Street Photography | The "U" Turn

"Every photograph is a battle of form versus content." 
Garry Winogrand


© Safuan Shahril | Street Photography | Curious

Hi everybody! Another week flies by, another fresh week comes. Last week was a "fine" week for me. I wouldn't say it was bad but still I got my shots for this week. Sometimes it's not every time in your photography life that you get your best shots or get your best outcome and always remember life is full with obstacles that you never know it coming but the reasons why we would not be in the mood of taking photographs is because we are not inspired by something. Now in the modern days, I see a lot of people owned new DSLR and everyone wants to own a camera like everybody else too. Plus, I see a lot of people sometimes they feel down, I see people quit just because of their images aren't the best like the pros or sometimes your schedule are always full with works and feel you are never going to have time to shoot stuff. This is all due to feeling uninspired.

Street Photography | Double Visions

© Safuan Shahril | Street Photography | Double Visions

"Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that thing looks photographed." 
Garry Winogrand

Street Photography | The Starting Line...

© Safuan Shahril | Street Photography | A Call

Hi everybody! It's Sunday and I would never thought I would write something on the weekend but hey I guess it might be your day ;). Anyway, how was your week? I hope you guys are well and my week has been pretty good. Last weekend, I was on my computer doing some research on street photography and all of sudden on Monday I brought my camera with me to college. I left my house early than I used to. Then once I got out of the bus, my hand went straight into my bag and brought out my camera but I only snapped a few because I was still struck by Monday Blues. However, once I finished college I spent at least an hour just taking pictures of the street. Pffftt... when I got home I wasn't happy with my results and at that time I felt determine to go on the streets the next day to take some more pictures. 

Haha... There you go my first day with street photography. Yes I'm falling in love with it at the moment and I'm probably going to do this for a bit longer. So, you would expect a lot of street photography posts in the future and tips to share. Since this post is about my first steps into street photography, I'm going to share what I learned from last week:-

Street Photography | Rhythm

© Safuan Shahril | Street Photography | Rhythm, Shapes, Lines

"This recognition, in real life, of a rhythm of surfaces, lines, and values is for me the essence of photography; composition should be a constant of preoccupation, being a simultaneous coalition – an organic coordination of visual elements." 
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Starting 2012, Looking Back...

© 2011 Safuan Shahril's | Clifton Suspension Bridge
Hello! Hehe... Yes it's finally 2012. Another year and another opportunity to fix things in life. I'm sure everybody has a new year's resolution this year and hope that you guys determine in whatever path of interest you choose. I know I certainly need to change myself. Not giving bad impressions but good impressions. I still remember when the first time I felt in love with photography. I was only 12 at that moment and I'm pretty sure everybody likes a beautiful picture.